An excerpt from a book that I will never finish…

It feels like a lifetime ago when I first met you. I suppose it was. A few lifetimes ago, perhaps. I don’t remember all of the details…was it daytime or nighttime? What was the day of the week? I do remember the navy blue shirt you wore. And the smile. Mostly, I remember that youContinue reading “An excerpt from a book that I will never finish…”

Literary Analysis: Ovid & Marlowe

The Human Condition: Marlowe’s Relationship with Ovid in “Hero and Leander” Echoing the opening speech in his translation of Ovid’s Elegies, Christopher Marlowe’s “Hero and Leander” conveys that the human condition lies not in a rebirth of epic tales of war, but rather in epic tales involving innate human emotion, particularly when dealing with loveContinue reading “Literary Analysis: Ovid & Marlowe”